Custom Embroidery
Custom Embroidery
Another way to customize your Corbin saddle! Check out our new online embroidery configurator HERE.
Upcoming Events
Rally ScheduleCatch team Corbin on the road at a motorcycle event near you! Click HERE for details.
A Free Seat?
Free Seats!
R&D needs bikes and you get a free seat if you're willing to loan us yours! Check the list of our currently needed HERE.
Your Corbin Saddle Out of the Box

It's a little difficult to get the seat to latch, what's up?
We design our seats with a much tighter tolerance and closer fit to your bodywork than stock. This makes the seat fit the body groove better and looks great once installed. Usually the first couple of installations can be slightly sticky, but when the rubber bumpers break in, it'll be a snap. If the seat won't latch, it's probably because of the new bumpers... give it a smack with the ball of your hand, it'll latch.

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